1. Must Blog for each class session.

2. Must be a minimum of five complete sentences.

3. Must have correct spelling and punctuation.

4. Must attach a photo that resonates your Blog post.

5. Must comment to at least one of your classmates Blog post.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Today in reading, we read most of the story of the same novel that our class is reading. Over the weekend I managed to read the book within a day and a half. It was sad at first, but then it got really irritating later. Then at one point I really didn't feel like reading the story any more, due to the horrifying stories that DAVID said about how his abusive mother. We only covered six chapters, and there is about 8 or 9 I think. So for home work, we have to read the rest of the book. See you guys Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. I think that we all feel the same way about the mother. All the Horrifying things that Davids mother did to him is really disturbing. Now I want to go to a book store and look for the lost boy and also A man named David.


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