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Friday, August 31, 2012

AUG. 29, 2012

In class we covered the novel " A Child Called It" By David Peltzer and as a class we discussed some things about child abuse on Guam and in the United States. Our told us that Guam has the Highest Rate of Child Abuse anywhere. Its really sad to hear that because Guam is such a small place and with only an estimation of 400,000 people living here, I'd say a little over 60% are children, and half of that 60% are abused children. After all discussions we were offered to read another book called " Percy Jackson's The Lightning Thief". So see you guys next Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. I know I that is really sad to hear that Guam has the highest rate for Child Abuse. That is really sad to hear because we are such a small island compared to the United States. I watched the movie for the Lightning Theft now I wanna see if they left out some good parts from the book. See you Wednesday. Have a safe week end and Labor day.


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