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Friday, October 19, 2012

Happy Hour

Well, today was an awesome day of school, even if it was only about an hour or so. I came to class feeling excited about what we would be learning today. We did some catching up and started with timed reading and it was a good thing I brought of one my books. I was ready to read. The reading session went pretty well for me. As I was reading, my mind was like playing a movie in my head, and it was pretty crazy. I can't wait to get back next week and work other stuff, but for now, I'm just gonna keep on reading.


  1. True that, Charles. I get that a lot too. It's so crazy, huh ?? But if you think about it, we don't have to waste any money just to watch the movie. Haha ! Well, see you guys in class.

  2. Yup! We sure don't. See ya in class man


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