Continuing the book got even more interesting. I kind of wish I had a good paying job as Shem does. Although, he was tricked onto a crooks job at first, he finally found a decent work place. In that place, there are more people like himself. He kinda felt comfortable at first, but when he found out the consequences of what will happen if they conversed with each other, he was then self-cautious. He didn't want to risk his job, and most of all, he didn't want to go to jail, or worse, prosecuted. This book is wonderful so far, and I can't wait to finish it, but until I do, it'll be one novel added onto the rest of the novels I've finished reading. Well, until next class session, I hope to read with you all once again.
Hafa adai and welcome to our classroom Blog. As a your GCC English instructor, my passion for reading parallels my love of teaching with the use of technology. I hope to provide each and every one of you with fun and practical ways to share your reading experiences while integrating technology into our classroom.
1. Must Blog for each class session.
2. Must be a minimum of five complete sentences.
3. Must have correct spelling and punctuation.
4. Must attach a photo that resonates your Blog post.
5. Must comment to at least one of your classmates Blog post.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
Oct. 29, 2012
Last class session, I got through more pages than the time before. As I read in class, this book was getting more and more interesting. Although, I wasn't really getting into the book at first, I can honestly say, I am now. I can see a lot of improvement in my reading, but I really don't see myself passing this class. As I continued the book at home, I started to figure out who the second brother of the heart was referring to. In reality, he's not really a blood brother, but is well-respected to be one. I have half of the book left to read, so I hope I can finish it sometime, soon. Well, until next class session, I'll see you guys in class.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Last week Wednesday
Last week Wednesday we had silent reading. it went well again I actually read a lot of pages with in an hour. That was my last class session because I am getting ready to leave next this coming week Saturday. I had a great time in reading work shop with the whole class. I will continue to read more and also continue to share books that I have read. I will try to finish my semester project and turn it in as soon as i am done Mrs. Quichocho. Till next time. I really am going to miss the session where I can read for an hour and also all of you my fellow classmates.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Oct. 22, 2012
In reading class, last session, I started this book, "Brothers of the Heart, by Joan W. Blos." So far, this book seems interesting and I'm still on chapter one. Why i say it's interesting ? Well, because it seems as though that was how it were back than. They were riding horses, farming, and migrating from one place to another. I haven't yet found out who the exact two brothers are. It's a little hard to know cause I'm still on the first half of this novel. Well, till next class, I hope to find out what lies ahead.
Today in class I have just found out that I am failing. I am not happy with my performance and am going to improve before the ending of the semester. Well, what had happened was we started off with silent reading for about 30 minutes. Next, Mrs. Q. gave the class a 15 minute break, so she took that time to have a conference with me about my grades. I know now what needs to be done, so I am going to do my best. I really don't want to fail and repeat this class all over again. So until Wednesday, I will blog more about it then.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Oct. 17, 2012
Last class session, back to "Silent Reading." As I read this novel, as you can see up top, it seem as though this book was about gods. And what do you know, it pretty much was about gods, at least half. In this book, there is one man named, Kino. Kino is a very respectful man, who is in fact, half god. One day, he went diving, to try and find some pearls to sell for the condition of his son. His son got poisoned by a scorpions sting. As he went diving to find pearls, an amazing thing happened. He found the "Pearl of the world." I thought that the finding of that pearl would bring his family wealth, but instead, it brought evil among their family. It actually led from a poisoned son, to a murdered child. In the end, Kino threw the pearl back into the ocean, to where it belongs.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Happy Hour
Well, today was an awesome day of school, even if it was only about an hour or so. I came to class feeling excited about what we would be learning today. We did some catching up and started with timed reading and it was a good thing I brought of one my books. I was ready to read. The reading session went pretty well for me. As I was reading, my mind was like playing a movie in my head, and it was pretty crazy. I can't wait to get back next week and work other stuff, but for now, I'm just gonna keep on reading.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
October 17, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012
October 15, 2012
In class we had a really big agenda because their were a lot of things that need to be discussed. So first we read out our poem for those who finished early. Then we discussed the Semester Project and all the criteria that is need for each specific section. and the we had a choice to choose oral reading or work on our project for three silent reading sessions. It was surprising that the class all choose silent reading. Next was conferencing and last was Extra credit. If we wanted we can bring in book that Mrs. Quichocho is requesting for and bring it in for points. Class is always fun when Mrs. Quichocho there to inspire her students to strive for successes.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
October 08,2012

Last class session was really great. We were supposed to do silent reading, but as we overviewed our syllabus, instead we learned about poetry. It was actually more intersting than I figured it would be. We learned about 15 different types of poems. I was confused at first, but when Mrs. Quichocho started explaining them to us, I understood the concept of all of them. Not to mention, we have an assignment to do, and it is, in fact, a poem. I can't wait to actually see how it'll turn out to be.
Poetry, Oct. 08
Last night we, as a class, discussed our next meeting dates and did some poetry. First, we thought we were going to be having another session of silent reading, but Mrs. Q. made some changes with our agenda so we worked on Poetry instead. Then, we did a reading spill about reading and wrote it on a piece of paper. I enjoyed that very much. Finally, after almost 30 mins. we had to take home our assignments and choose a type of poem that is going to be used in our Reflection Paper, which is due next Monday. I am pretty stoked about this poetry in a reflection paper. I've never done one like this. Or have I? (Laughter) Well, until Monday, I'll Blog more about then.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Class 10-03-12
This book is far more interesting than I once thought it was.
And that was of course in the beginning. Although, at some point, I thought
"The Wave" was a good thing in this book, as I got further into it,
I've noticed that it was turning out to be some sort of gang-related group. Mr. Ross, in this novel, is the teacher of a History class. He introduced this "Wave" to his students who were in his class, and told them it was an experiment he came up with. It was actually a game. As soon as the kids in his class got more and more interested in this so called "Wave," they started sharing, and recruiting some students outside of Mr. Ross's class. At this point, it became more of a join or we'll make you join type of group. Until next blog, I hope to finish this book.
October 04,2012
Yesterday in class we had silent read for an hour. Within that hour I managed to read the last few chapters my book "All Together Dead". It was a good book now I have to look for the next novel that follow the book all together dead. Now I am going to finish the rest of the book this weekend "Of Mice and Men. I cannot wait to finish this book and start a new one. So far this is the first time in my life, Reading 4 Novels. I really like this reading class because it is really encouraging me too read more and more each day. After Of Mice and Men I am going to read "blood Suckers By: Ottto Penzler, which is another series of novels. Till next class session, see you all next week Monday.
Oct. 3, 2012 ABSENT
Today I missed another session of class. I'll make this short and simple. As soon as I got to school, I was well on my way to class when suddenly, my stomach started acting up. I soon began to realize that if I walked in that class, it would be the wrong thing to do for me at that time. I wasn't thinking at all, so I just turned and walked my way down the stairs. Before I could reach the library, the pain just vanished as if nothing ever happened. I wanted to go back, but since I would've already been considered absent, I decided to head in to the library instead. So I read for about 30 minutes until my stomach started acting up again. It was enough reading for me, so I packed my things and headed straight for home. I felt good that I took time from class to read when I was supposed to be in class reading where it would count as my grade, but I couldn't trust the way my stomach was acting. So until next time folks.
Oct. 1, 2012
In class we went through another session of silent reading. This time I felt more tired than ever. I couldn't help it. I'd read some, then slowly just drowse off into what felt like a deep sleep. I read as much as I could stay awake. For some reason I just felt really tired and weak. I guess its because of the way the weather has been lately. Well, it ain't going to stop me from reading, sun or no sun, I'm still going to read no matter what. See you guys next week.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Oct. 1,2012
After completing the book, "Mariquita," I was shocked when I read about Mariquita's disappearance. I thought it was going to be the other way around. Precisely, I thought Eddie was the one who was going to die, but I was wrong. Now I understand why it was a tragedy of Guam. A helpful, loving mother, who did everything to make sure the other people around her were safe, died in a mysterious way that no one knows about up until this very day.Well, now I started this book, titled as, "The Wave." This book seems just about as interesting as the others I've finished already were. I love how so far, it's still a book, which consist of a long time ago war. Although this book seems a little bit more intense, I can't wait to see what lies ahead. Well, until next class, have a wonderful day everyone.
October 01, 2012
In yesterdays class we had to choose a new book to read in class, the book that i choose was the Of Mice and Men, I also choose another book but I forgot the name of it, but it deals with vampires again.or I think that the name of the other book is Blood sucker. Also the class read for an hour again. I am really happy with my progression because I am reading at least two chapters to three. I have not finished my book All together dead because I have been going through a lot of things with my mom. So hopefully I can finish it at least by the end of this week. But I can not wait to read the new book I am really excited to read the new book that I choose. Till next class session, see you all tomorrow. Have a great day and.
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